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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2021

Benefit of Forever Absorbent C

    Have you ever heard Forever Absorbent C product ?      Absorbent C merupakan produk paling favoritku dan dipersembahkan oleh Forever Living Products yang di produksi oleh Aloe Vera of America plus serat biji Gandum yang dikembangkan secara Bonded Matrix yang unik dan berkhasiat tinggi . As we know that Vitamin C sangat penting bagi kesehatan tubuh. Absorbent C merupakan paduan antara Vitamin C dengan selaput luar biji gandum dalam komposisi yang tepat dan seimbang. Diolah melalui proses khusus yang dipatenkan, sehingga manfaat dan khasiatnya selalu terjamin. Berbeda dengan Vitamin C biasa, kandungan Vitamin C dari Absorbent C sesuai dengan hasil riset yang terbukti lebih mudah di serap oleh tubuh . Especially in this pandemic sangat wajib bagiku untuk mengkonsumsinya. Disamping serat biji gandum yang dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol di dalam darah, adapun fungsi lainnya seperti membantu pertumbuhan tulang, gigi dan rambut, membantu mencegah Osteoporosi...

Do is Grammar Important in Speak English?

          Normally people think and afraid of themselves about speak in English. The question is do we must have a good grammar in speaking English? In my opinion is not, because none of them are thinking about grammar, even correct your English when you speak. As long as they understand the meaning that you are talk about, they have no problem with it.           The key is how confident you are when you speak, so being confident is the way we can improve our speaking skills. If for example you are thinking a lot of which is correct grammar, I am sure you will surely try to remember and memorize so much and it will be waste of your time in speaking, you will get confuse and nervous. So don’t know what to say. So don’t be afraid to have mistakes, without mistakes we will not know how to speak fluently. The other side you have to do a lot of practice everday even it just takes 5 minutes or 10 minutes, so the first thing you have ...

Why You Can Understand English but You Difficult to Speak in English

       Mostly of people that i met, sometimes were complained about "How come i can understand perfectly and understand everything everyone's saying? But when i try to speaking English, I can't speak at the same level". I received this question so many times all around the world and might be you have the same problem with it?. To be honest with you, when i was child i did the exact same thing in studied and practiced it. When someone speaking i am so proud of my self because i understand but when someone approached me felt just like totally blank and don't have any idea what to say. This is happened to everyone because you are only using your eyes and your ears, you did not practice it well. So that you have to do while watching and listening, you need to speak for the same amount to improve your speaking skills. This will help your speaking skills match your ability to understand English. As you have cellphone, you have computer consistently you have to listen su...